Saturday 26 December 2020

Best PhD Thesis Writing Services - PhD Writing Assistance


We come with two-decade plus experience in PhD writing Services experience. Our experience with thesis writing at Ph.D. levels is well established through working with research students from around the world. We have a strong customer services, writers and counsellors base at its disposal to support and consult students all through their Ph.D. thesis journey.

The Ph.D. Thesis writing people for you

You are the peak of your academic endeavour, you have carefully selected your university, put in hard work and many a heartache into every aspect your Ph.D. preparatory and research work. We get it. Now it is time to select a suitable partner, a resourceful academic writer, bed rocked in their experience with all facets of doctorate level writing skills so that you can ace your thesis.


How we say what we say?

Our confidence comes from a 20-year plus strong experience in various types of academic writing Ph.D. students from various universities the world over. Having worked with many research students from around the world, we are comfortably entrenched into thesis writing tasks for vast and varied number of disciplines very successfully.


What are the services we offer under Ph.D. Thesis writing?

  • Topic selection        
  • Proposal Writing        
  • Literature Reviews     
  • Dissertation Writing
  • Data Analysis      
  • Report Writing
  • Project Report                         
  • Reviews
  • Journals             
  • Case Studies 
  • Bibliography
  • Coursework Writing
  • Other assignment tasks


We leverage our20-year plus experience through

  • Strong customer service
  • Strength in writing expertise in all forms of academic writing
  • Timeline focused                                           
  • Collaborative Approach                                              
  • Support throughout the process


Why choose

  • Experienced writers and counsellors              
  • Expertise in every domain of Academic writing
  • Experts handling customer service                 
  • Guaranteed Privacy and Confidentiality
  • A Win-Win Pricing Approach            
  • Collaborative Revisions Policy
  • Zoom and Skype Interactions
  • 24 * 7 Support

How can we be reached 24*7?



Sunday 6 December 2020

Thesis PhD Writing Services @ PhD Writing Assistance


  • We are a group of professional assignment writers – we are the PhD Writing Assistance! Our services are available to students and academics for over 5years, offering our help at various levels of academic and research endeavors – be it at high school or senior school, college, relating to advanced courses, masters, and doctorate levels.
  • We offer PhD Thesis Writing Services and related assistance with different types of writing tasks – like those pertaining coursework, essays, research papers, analysis and reports, & many more. Students and senior research fellows have successfully utilized our services and support for journal paper preparations, dissertations and thesis writing work.
  • Students and research fellows from around the world have trusted our services as we ensure deadlines and schedules being met. Our efforts ensure delivery of quality standards set by various educational institutions, colleges and universities, the world over consistently – semester after semester, and year after year. Our academic writing experience has been and continues to be leveraged successfully for writing tasks in a vast variety of subjects and topics – ranging medical sciences to computers, from mathematics, engineering and artificial intelligence-based projects to multidisciplinary projects.
  • Students and research fellows attempt to propose solutions to multitudes of issues and problems through their college / university coursework and research work and their written work is therefore extremely important. Here the aspect of confidentiality understandably becomes critical. We value and respect this concern thoroughly, hence we put our best resources to work for you, ensuring original hand typed plagiarism free material, regardless of the subject matter.
  • For senior college / doctorate level academic projects, we offer consultative approach towards topic selection, proposal drafting and finalizing, together with help in firming and finalizing structures of theses to be drafted. We extend these services for other advanced specializations as well which could from any of the social or business fields. Our large customer support and expert writers’ base comes handy in helping a wide base of education and research aspirants.

How We Serve You?

  • Our services offerings follow a step by step approach with experts at our end handholding students all the way. We understand formal academic writing can get stressful hence our assistances come to your aide right from the planning stages itself. We wouldn’t prefer our student clients spend time stressing over deadlines and quality issues when their time and focus need to be directed towards study, work, laboratory work, internships, etc.
  • Our academic writing services are full range – plagiarism free material, drafting as per guidelines, editing, rephrasing and plagiarism check and correction and rework of scratch or working drafts of dissertations and theses.
  • So, we have you covered all through because we believe the student and researcher in you deserves to shine, and we help you achieve just that.

Our services can be reached through our website or via email or simply whatsapp us at +60146398196!!!


Tuesday 1 December 2020

What Are Some Handy Tools to Help Me With Writing Assignments?

 Firstly, understand the difference between writing a thesis versus a dissertation and an essay, collectively called an assignment. This is critical in more ways than you realize. Most important of all is time management, followed by the approach you take towards writing each of these. Here are some simple dos and don’ts for writing assignments:

  1. Do thorough research on the topic.

Research your subject thoroughly and in a focused manner. You will need to be clear about the topic and specifics that you will be dealing with in your assignment – be it an essay or a dissertation. Plan to utilize your research time to go through resource powerhouses like the internet, your college or university, or community libraries alongside other sources – these could be meeting certain people, etc.

  • Make use of an outline.

Have appropriate headings and sub-headings on the material you collect. This helps in keeping things in focus. This will also help as you write an outline for your assignment – say an introduction – the body comprising various points or arguments – discussions – your views, finally a conclusion. No matter what your assignment is: an essay or dissertation, always make it a point to write an outline. This will help you gather and focus your thoughts well.

  • No distractions as you work.

Distractions and writing work don’t mix very well, needless to add the frustration and rework that is eventually required. So, get rid of distractions when writing your assignments, or better still choose someplace where you can simply focus on the task at hand and do a good job at it.

  • Repetition is an overkill.

Become aware if you tend to repeat certain words or phrases while writing. If yes, you will also notice a pattern around some words, grammar, or punctuation where you falter. Consciously iron them out by using your awareness to correct them even while writing regular stuff. Over time you will notice that you have overcome this habit.

  • Check spellings and grammar.

Very essential and basic requirement. Hence a thorough job of eliminating spelling and grammar mistakes. Elementary as it sounds, however just know that this part of the process needs to be done.

  • Your assignment requires more than eyes than you realize.

Use a proofreader if you can. Another way is to re-read your work after a time gap. You will instantly notice where you have gone wrong with tenses, grammar, punctuation, sentence construction, etc.

  • Citations

No matter what your writing assignment is, be very clear about giving the source of your references. After all, you did extensive research while putting your assignment together, so it only ethical and correct for your readers to know your study in its entirety.

These are some simple tools that you can equip yourself with early on and see them help you.

For More – Assignment Writing Services

How Can I Improve My Writing Skills for My PhD Research & Thesis Work??


Ways to improve your writing skills as you prepare for your Ph.D. research and thesis work?

Spoken English is relatively pretty simple and most get a hang of it sooner than later. We speak the language at home, at institutes or work, read books in English, watch English content on TV, internet, intertwine English in our native languages (non-native English speakers), you get the drift…we get pretty confident with speaking in English over time. However, formal English writing is quite another game – writing for academic or work purposes can be quite a daunting task. Anyway, we know our challenge so we must measure up. Remember: with a little effort, a bit of planning and some good handholding will see you on the other side of your ‘mighty’ challenge. So here we have it, simple to-do’s and you are good to go.


  1. Binge read. Yes, you read that right – go on a reading spree!

So far you have read to understand, now you read to observe. Consciously make it a point to read well–written journals, research papers, etc. Observe sentence construction and tonality in academic works. Put some thought into how these authors have communicated their arguments or points. Become aware of their choice of words in the questions, arguments, discussions, etc. 

2.  Get more eyes to see your work. Look at your written material for repetitive error patterns, because at your level grammar and spelling won’t really be your problem areas. In case you have gotten any of your formal work proofread, simply make a note of the errors the proof-reader pointed out. Become aware of your repetitive patterns and avoid making them by paying attention to these while writing. One way is to read your written material aloud or ask someone else to read it. These steps will help you immensely.

3. Write as much as possible. Now you are aware of your formal writing hick-ups, simply write as much as you can. Think of it as an investment in yourself not just for your PhD or Master’s research writing but as a life skill. You will thank yourself – even if you don’t end up writing your thesis or assignment yourself, still you have gained a skilled.

4. Step up for your English writing skills formally. Take some formal English writing skills course at your university or institute if you have access to such courses. Such courses in university departments or at institutes are run by expert academics who teach English.


Complex sentences don’t win you much. Avoid these –

  1. firstly, they are difficult to make sense of, long after they have been written.

2. Secondly, your reader won’t be happy reading them, especially when they are your research guide or professor – this one you can’t bypass come what may. So, simplicity is key.

Writing your Ph.D., Master’s dissertation, etc. can be easy when you follow those above instructions.

For More: Best Phd Writing Services

Best PhD Thesis Writing Services - PhD Writing Assistance

  We come with two-decade plus experience in PhD writing Services experience. Our experience with thesis writing at Ph.D. levels is well es...